What is light? How do we see things?

Ans. This brings us to another one of the important physics. The Physics of Light. Light that comes from the Sun, light that allows us to see the objects, light that is the source of all the energy we have on Earth…!
Light is what makes it possible to see the things for us. The sun,  the light bulb, a candle, all of these give us light.
The question arises that what is the light after all? Is it solid! Is it fluid! or gas! or what else, what exactly the light is! Does it have mass. What speed does it travel at…!  
Each & every objects emits energy in the form of radiation. We also radiate energy, but due low temperature, the amount of radiation emitted is very feeble and cannot be seen. But we can feel it. This is the same energy that you feel when you warm inside a blanket.
Scientifically, light is an electro-magnetic wave. It is composed of innumerable small particles called photons.
Major properties of light are-
1.      The light always runs in a straight line.
2.      The light gets emitted from its source in all directions simultaneously.
3.      When it passes through a medium, it becomes visible, otherwise it is not.
4.      The speed of light is approx.. three lakh kilometers per second. It takes approx. 10 mins.to reach the light from the sun to us.
We see the objects when the reflected rays of light fall on our eyes.
