Why do hair gets erect when wollen clothes are taken off?

Ans: This is one most of the amazing question that brings us to a whole new kind of Physics.The science of electric change, magnets, electricity etc.
When we take off our woolen clothes, hair gets erect because of charge that develops on the hair.  Since our body and clothes have opposite charge, so they attract each other. This makes the body hair stand erect.

Electric Charge- Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. 
An atom is the smallest unit of matter. It is made of electrons, protons & neutrons. What you need to know at this point is that, protons and electrons have property called electric charge. Protons have a positive charge. Electrons have a negative charge, which is equal but opposite to the charge on a proton.
Two similar charges repel each other while two dissimilar charges attract each other. See the images below.
The electric charge that electrons and protons possess is responsible for the form of energy that we commonly call electricity. 
