How does a ship sails on water?

Ans: A ship of an example of few things which are quite mesmerizing. How many of you have wished that they could walk on water, fly in the air! Almost all... J
To be honest, though the ships are in use from ancient times, the science behind it was not so obvious to humans. Let us see how or why a ship sails though the nails, balls etc get sunk in water.
When something is in water, the water exerts an upwards force on the body. If this force is more than the weight of body, things float. This force is called buoyancy force and this principle is known as Archimedes’ Principle.

Now, next question is how much force does water apply on a body! Answer is equal to amount of water displaced by it. The more water a body displaces, the more is this force. This explains why ships are made in this shapes. They are meant to displace more and more water. J
