Brain Salon

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Dear Awesome ,
Congratulations on getting started with the Brain Salon!
I’m really thrilled to welcome you as a client, and know that you’re going to absolutely LOVE how the Brain Salon will change your life. You now have access to everything you need to begin changing your state – literally on-demand.
Want to boost your focus? Enjoy a great night of sleep? Turbo-charge your creativity? Just slip on your headphones, play the relevant session – and you’re DONE.
Ready to get started?
At the bottom of this page, you’ll find the special Brain Salon MP3 download links, so you can get started right away! You’ll also find links to download the updated PDF manual.
A couple of top tips to leave you with...
If you haven’t yet discovered the science behind the Brain Salon, then you really should take a few minutes to uncover precisely how these sessions work. Check out:
Uncover the Science ->
There’s also the public forum, where you can share your experiences with others, and ask questions about the Brain Salon:
Additionally, there’s our support site, where you can discover more about the Brain Salon:
You can also mail us at absolutely ANY time, should you have questions about the Brain Salon. We’re always happy to help. Just drop us a line at
Well, that’s all for now.
Again, CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a Brain Salon client – we really appreciate you, and know you’re going to love your experience over the coming weeks!
Thanks for your time today!
Karl Moore Justin Hammond
Karl Moore, Director, Inspire3Justin Hammond, Brain Salon co-developer
From the company that brought you The Brain Evolution System
Get ready for our e-mail messages!
Watch out for our many support messages over the coming weeks!
If you can, add the domains and to your e-mail whitelist. That will ensure our messages get through to you.

Download the Brain Salon sessions
From here, you can download the Brain Salon sessions straight to your computer.
These 30 minute sessions are high quality digital versions of our original recordings. Each digital MP3 file has been encoded at the maximum possible sampling rate (320kbps) to preserve the influential technologies and audio nuances that make the Brain Salon so effective.
Because these are ultra-high quality MP3s, they are larger than average MP3s - around 70MB each.
With broadband, you should be able to download each session in around 5 minutes. On dial-up, this may take up to 4 hours.
Disclaimer: Before using any of these sessions, please read our FDA DISCLAIMER & precautions. This is very important. Do NOT use this product if you suffer from epilepsy.
Helpful stuff, before you download...
Brain Salon MP3 Download Links
