Why does a player draws his hands backwards while catching ball in cricket?

Ans: We all enjoy watching match and most of us tend to notice the batting and bowling style of cricketers. But did you ever noticed, when  a player catches the ball, he pulls back his hands! Well.... be amazed, there  is science behind it too.
It’s time to introduce one another concept of Physics known as momentumMomentum can be defined as "mass in motion." All objects have mass; so if an object is moving, then it has momentum. When the ball is in motion, it has momentum but when the ball stops in the hands of the player, its momentum becomes zero. Now, rate of change of momentum equals to the force, i.e.
What it essentially means is, if we want to stop a ball, we need to make its momentum zero in the longest possible time so as to feel the least force (or impact of the ball on the hands).If the player brings the ball to a sudden stop, the ball may hurt him due to high impact force.

Momentum of a body- Momentum of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the velocity of the object.
Momentum (p)= mass (m) • velocity (v)
Momentum is a property associated with the motion of a body.

See a few more examples where momentum plays a major role.
Which will require more force to stop if truck and car both running with same velocity?
Ans: Truck needs more force to stop due to inertia. As truck has more mass than car so truck will require more force than car to stop irrespective of moving with same velocity.
