How does an aeroplane fly in the sky?

Ans: Airplanes are easily one of the most wonderful marvels of modern science. Many of you might have wondered at time how exactly a plane flies in the air? What is that power that hold it up in the sky.
It may surprise you but the thing is an aero plane flies because of its wings and not because of its engine (if engines can fly all the machine would start flying.... J
The wings of an aero plane have an unique shape. This shape is called an Aero-foil. The upper surface of wings is curved and lower surface is flat.
When the air passes over an aerofoill, the air passes over the upper surface as well as the bottom face. The air travelling over the curved upper surface moves faster as it has to travel more distance (this is due to something called boundary layer effect- air does not detach from the surface). Now as per Bernaulli’s theorem, this reduces the air pressure over the wings. As the speed of aero plane increases, the pressure over the wings becomes less  and less and a time comes when the plane is forced to get lifted up.
Now, the question comes what does then the engine do in a plane! well.... what we told you that plane gets lifted and stays in the air due to shape of wings, but the forward movement of plane is caused by the power of its engines.

Bernoulli’s principleThis is an important concept of Physics which we will be using to explain many other questions.
As per the principle, In a simplistic case of horizontal fluid (air/ liquids) flowpoints of higher fluid speed will have less pressure than points of slower fluid speed.
