Computer. How does it works?

A computer is an electronic machine that processes information— it takes in raw information (or data), stores it until it's ready to work on it, chews and crunches it for a bit, then spits out the results at the other end. All these processes have a name. Taking in information is called input, storing information is better known as memory (or storage), chewing information is also known as processing, and spitting out results is called output.
  • Input: Your keyboard and mouse, for example, are just input units—ways of getting information into your computer that it can process.
  • Memory/storage: Your computer stores all documents and files on a hard-drive: a huge magnetic memory.
  • Processing: Your computer's processor (sometimes known as the Central Processing Unit) is a microchip buried deep inside. It
  • Output: Desktop (monitor), printer etc. are the output tools through which we get the information out.
An O.S. & a Computer Program (Software)-
A computer program or software is line of code that tells computer how to identify the data, process it and get the final output in the form of a mathematical solution of GUI display.
There is something called Operating System (O.S.) e.g. LINUX, Windows 10 which does this task. All other software interact with O.S. only to carry out different functionalities.
