A coin tossed in am moving train falls back to the passenger. Why?

Ans: When the coin is in passengers hand the motion of coin is exactly same as that of passenger and train. As the coin is tossed in it is no more in grip of passenger.
But, due to inertia, the coin keeps moving with the train and along with you. So, it comes back to your hand.
But, what if the train starts accelerating post the toss of coin! In that case, as the coin has already left your hand, it doesn’t have any acceleration. So, the coin falls back from your hands as your hands are moving faster.

  Have a look on a few scenarios which you might have encountered in your daily lives-

Q. Dust gets removed from blanket by beating with stick…. How?
Answer is same----  Inertia. When beaten, the blanket starts moving but the dust particles don’t move. They remain stationary and get separated.
