There are a lot of different components to an engine and a lot of them need to be properly lubricated when the engine is running. This is where engine oil comes into play.Over time, your engine oil will begin to collect contaminants and
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
As the name suggests, supply chain management denotes the entire process by which the raw materials are procured, and after all the procedural forms, the outcomes are obtained. Therefore, it is an integration of the market's primary two wings: the demand and supply
Wrote by Brijesh Wala

In Times of Uncertainty

/  December 31, 2020
 In times of uncertainty, we see everyone from different journey walks of life struggling to keep it together during the pandemic. Many of us lost hopes and faith because they have given up on the battle of life. However, whatever the pain feels,
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
 Engine oils play a crucial part in your engine’s functionality. Without the oil, your engine can become damaged fairly quickly and so it’s in your best interest to make sure that the engine oil is up to par.The oil in your engine makes
Wrote by Brijesh Wala

What is Cell Crystallization?

/  December 29, 2020
 Biocrystallization is the formation of Crystals from organic macromolecules by Living organisms. This may be a stress response, a normal part of Metabolism such as processes that dispose of waste compounds, or a Pathology. Template mediated Crystallisation is qualitatively different from in vitro
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
 Unfortunately, the science behind ultrasonic pest repellents is ultra-shaky. Seems like an attractive idea though, right? Just plug a charger-sized device emitting undetectable sound into the wall, wait about 2 weeks, then BAM, your garage oasis is insect and rodent free without the
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
 Google Street View is a technology featured in Google Maps that provides the panoramic views from various streets of the world. It was launched on May 25, 2007 by Google in several cities in the United States, since then it has expanded to
Wrote by Brijesh Wala

What is Mechanical Ventilation?

/  December 27, 2020
 Mechanical ventilation is a treatment to help a person breathe when they find it difficult or are unable to breathe on their own. A mechanical ventilator pushes airflow into the patient’s lungs to help them breathe. Mechanical ventilation may be  • Invasive ventilation with a
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
Retroreflection occurs when a surface returns a large portion of directed light beam back to its source. Retroreflective materials appear brightest to observers nearest the light source (such as a motorist). The object’s brightness depends on the intensity of the light striking the
Wrote by Brijesh Wala

Why are Cucumbers Bitter?

/  December 27, 2020
 Usually, the bitterness is caused by some climate or soil condition that could be easily solved. That's why it is so important to take preemptive steps to keep them from becoming bitter in the first place.Cultivated cucumbers all contain cucurbitacin B and cucurbitacin
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
 Injections are among the most common health care procedures throughout the world, with at least 16 billion administered in developing and transitional countries each year. Intravenous (IV), subcutaneous (SC), and intramuscular (IM) are three most frequently used injection routes in medication administration. IV
Wrote by Brijesh Wala

What is Diaphragmatic Breathing?

/  December 27, 2020
 Normal breathing is relatively shallow and does not use the full capacity of the lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing is a deep breathing exercise that fully engages the diaphragm and increases the efficiency of the lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing, or “belly breathing,” involves fully engaging the stomach,
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
If you tend to pack the pounds on your tummy or your back or your upper arms, you'll continue to tend to put fat there. Forever. Sit-ups and squats can help shape our bodies differently, but no amount of diet or exercise will
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
With umpteen number of soap bars flooding the market, choosing the right soap can become a confusing task. This is where TFM or Total Fatty Matter comes into play.  The TFM quantity describes the quality of a soap. It adds moisturizing properties to
Wrote by Brijesh Wala
 Starlink is a network of satellites that provide internet. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers.It’s being built by SpaceX, Elon Musk’s aerospace company. The satellite network operates at
Wrote by Brijesh Wala